Pasifika artist in residence

Find out about our 12-week residency for Pasifika artists and how you can apply. 

Together with Creative New Zealand, we’re excited to announce the second round of funding for a paid, 12-week residency. This residency is focused on Pasifika artists from the Manawatū-Whanganui region, inviting you to express your unique artistry and Pasifika heritage in your own way. The successful individual or group will complete the residency from July to October 2024. 

Applications for 2024 have closed.

The selection process

The resident artist(s) will be selected by a committee of Council staff and local Pasifika arts community members. The successful artist(s) will be announced on our website on Monday 24 June.

Who can apply?

Upcoming or already established Pasifika artists living in the Manawatū-Whanganui region. You can apply as an individual, or as a group or organisation. 

The goal of the residency is to provide artists with an opportunity to: 

  • concentrate on their own art and creative practice during their stay
  • build stronger connections between the arts community in the region, Pasifika artists, and the wider community in Palmy
  • collaborate with artists and spaces in Palmy, working together on creative projects or exhibitions. 

The successful individual or group will receive $20,000 from Creative NZ to help them achieve these goals. This funding can also go towards accommodation and travel expenses, if needed.