Summer movie nights

Families watching an outdoor film in a park.

Summer means warmer nights and outdoor films in parks around the city. And this summer, we’re offering you the opportunity to plan and lead your own movie night for your community.

We have developed a process which will be easy to follow and to implement. It covers off the main aspects of staging a movie night.

How to run a Summer Movie Night

Step 1.Set on a date for your event plus an alternative date

Step 2.Select a movie and book a movie licence

Movie can be streamed if the location has Wi-fi. Otherwise, DVD will suffice.

Regardless of which method you use, you are required to have a licence for the movie. There are two main providers, Roadshow and Madman. It is dependent on the movie which provider you acquire the licence from.

Step 3.Contact PNCC Events Team

We will discuss:

  • the availability of our Mobile Screen
  • the availability of your chosen location (if a Council park or reserve) to plan the booking and a Health & Safety Event Plan
  • If you will need a generator

Contact our Events Team

Step 4.Seek funding via Council’s Community-led Initaitives Fund

Community groups may be eligible for funding via the Community-led Initiatives Fund to cover some of the event-related costs.

The fund supports the community to deliver their own small-scale initiatives, including events and projects that will contribute to Palmy’s goals of being creative and exciting, connected and safe, and an eco-city. Please allow up to two months before the event for the application to be processed.

This can include funding for:

  • Mobile screen hire
  • Movie licence
  • Recycling bins (if required)
  • Generator (if required)

Community-Led Initiatives Fund | Palmerston North City Council

Step 5.Run the event and return equipment