District Plan changes

Current plan changes and where they are in the process

The District Plan is periodically reviewed and updated through a process known as a plan change. Changes to the plan may be initiated by the council or by individuals.

A proposed plan change must be publicly notified, and there is then the opportunity to make a submission (during the first phase) and then a further submission (during the second phase) on the proposal.

This table contains information on current plan changes and where they are in the process.

Plan change and description Status 
E: Roxburgh Residential Area Currently holding pre-hearing meetings. Preparations for a hearing on 20-21 May 2025.
Kākātangiata Urban Growth Area We're carrying out preparatory work.
G: Aokautere Urban Growth

Decision released and appeals being processed. Some rules in the plan change take immediate legal effect.

I: Increasing Housing Supply and Choice Further submission period 10 March to 24 March 2025.

Private plan changes

The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) allows anyone to seek changes to the District Plans through a request for a private plan change. The process for the Council to follow in dealing with private plan change requests is prescribed in the Resource Management Act 1991.

The private plan change process can be used to change any provision (or introduce new provisions) in the District Plan.

The Ministry for the Environment provides further information on the private plan change process, including when to use a private plan change request, timing and costs, and the process involved for both the applicant and Council. 

Recent plan changes that have been made operative

Operative plan changes have been formally adopted as part of the District Plan. There is no further opportunity for public submissions on these changes. Each link in the table contains more information about the plan change and any relevant documents available to view.

Plan change name and description  Date plan change became operative
A: Removed alcohol sales from District Plan January 2019
B: Rezoned land along Napier Road to provide more housing capacity April 2021
C: Rezoned a new area to the west of the city to enable more housing January 2021
D: Introduced mandatory requirements for pressure sewer systems March 2021
J: Massey University Turitea Historic Area  March 2023
Mātangi (Whiskey Creek) Residential Area March 2023

Sectional District Plan Review

Council completed the Sectional District Plan Review in May 2019.

For information on any of these plan changes, please email kath.olliver@pncc.govt.nz

Plan Change 1 – Inner and Outer Business Zones
Plan Change 2 – Cliff Protection Area
Plan Change 3 – General Introduction
Plan Change 4 – Zoning Anomalies
Plan Change 5 – Local Business Zone
Plan Change 6 – Whakarongo Residential Area
Plan Change 7 – Roading Hierarchy
Plan Change 8 – City View Issues and Objectives
Plan Change 9 – Industrial Zone
Plan Change 10 – Designations
Plan Change 11 – Institutional Zone
Plan Change 13 - Cultural and Natural Heritage
Plan Change 15A-H – Rural Zone and Subdivision, Boundary Change Area, NEIZ, Braeburn Industrial Area, Utilities and Airport Zone
Plan Change 16 – Tangata Whenua and Resource Management Section
Plan Change 17 – Hazardous Substances
Plan Change 19 – Caccia Birch
Plan Change 20 – Residential Zone and Subdivision
Plan Change 21 – Recreation
Plan Change 22A-G – Omnibus – (including Noise, Signs and Transportation)
Plan Change 23 – Hokowhitu Residential Area
Private Plan Change A – Pacific Drive Landscape Provisions

How to appeal a change to the Palmerston North District Plan

You may appeal against the whole or part of the decision of the Council by lodging a Notice of Appeal in the prescribed form with the Registrar of the Environment Court, PO Box 5027, Wellington, and with the Council within 30 working days of the receipt by you (or the person who filed the application or submission on your behalf), of the decision or notice of the decision. 

Clause 14 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 sets out important information as to what the appeal should state, on whom the appeal should be served, and the time when service must take place. The appeal must also follow the form prescribed by Form 7 of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003.

Your appeal must be accompanied by a filing fee of $600 (GST incl).

We recommend you consult a lawyer if you're in any doubt about the procedures to be followed.

Download the forms from the Environment Court website 

The Resource Management Act 1991, and the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003 are available at the City Library and online on the New Zealand Legislation website