The Plan Change G: Aokautere Urban Growth decision points have been incorporated into the Operative District Plan and are identified by red text.
These affect Section 4: Definitions, Section 7: Subdivision, Section 7A: Greenfield Residential Areas, Section 10: Residential Zone, Section 11: Business Zones and Section 15: Recreation Zones.
Section 1: The general introduction(PDF, 411KB)
Section 2: City view objectives(PDF, 188KB)
Section 3: Tangata whenua and resource management(PDF, 973KB)
Section 4: Definitions(PDF, 957KB)
Section 5: Information requirements(PDF, 308KB)
Section 6: General rules(PDF, 456KB)
Section 7: Subdivision(PDF, 4MB)
Section 7A: Greenfield residential areas(PDF, 7MB)
Section 9: Rural zone(PDF, 4MB)
Section 10: Residential zone(PDF, 12MB)
Section 11: Business zones(PDF, 5MB)
Section 12: Industrial zone(PDF, 565KB)
Section 12A: North east industrial zone(PDF, 1MB)
Section 13: Airport zone(PDF, 1MB)
Section 14: Hazardous substances(PDF, 238KB)
Section 15: Recreation zones(PDF, 2MB)
Section 16: Caccia Birch(PDF, 905KB)
Section 17: Cultural and natural heritage(PDF, 1MB)
Section 19: Institutional zone(PDF, 841KB)
Section 20: Land transport(PDF, 5MB)
Section 21: Race training zone(PDF, 260KB)
Section 22: Natural hazards(PDF, 2MB)
Section 23: Utilities(PDF, 2MB)
Section 24: Designations(PDF, 4MB)
Section 25: Monitoring(PDF, 135KB)