Proposed Plan Change F: Ashhurst growth areas

This proposed plan change aims to rezone five sites in Ashhurst to residential. This would enable more homes to be built. 

Map of the proposed sites in Ashhurst that we're proposing to rezone for housing - 'North Street' area, 'Winchester Street' area, 'The Pit' area, 'Mulgrave Street' area and the to-be-confirmed 'North street area'.

 Proposed Plan Change F: Ashhurst growth areas seeks to rezone these five sites as residential:

  • Mulgrave Street area (currently zoned conservation and amenity)
  • North Street area (currently zoned rural)
  • The Pit area (currently zoned recreation)
  • Winchester Street area (currently zoned rural)
  • Oxford Street area (zoning correction from rural to residential)

Work so far

We’ve been investigating rezoning these areas since 2019. This has included holding a range of consultation sessions with the Ashhurst community and meeting with many of the directly affected landowners.

We have also commissioned assessments on: 

  • Contaminated land
  • Cultural values
  • Infrastructure capacity
  • Transport
  • Flooding
  • Urban design

Many of these assessments have had draft reports completed, and we are now just waiting on the flood assessment. Once this has been received, we will publish all the reports on this page.


We are currently investigating possible issues around flooding in the North Street area. Regional Council rules require us to ensure any new development can avoid flooding on anything below a 1 in 200 year flood. The rest of Ashhurst currently only has 1 in 100 year flood protection. We are now awaiting technical information on how development in the North Street area could be progressed, including what infrastructure upgrades and development conditions may be necessary, or whether rezoning should be avoided.

This is a complex matter that we need to consider carefully given climate change related flooding problems are becoming more common. Technical flooding information is expected in 2023 and will be made publicly available. We’ll also be in touch with affected landowners to discuss the report findings.

Oxford Street area

This is the small area of existing homes next to the proposed North Street area. The Oxford Street area is a zoning correction as these existing homes are of a similar nature to those in the residential zone. This area will go ahead with the other proposed plan change areas.