Submissions close at 4pm this Sunday, 30 March.
The District Plan is the primary document that manages land use and development within Palmerston North. It contains rules that may affect you if you're preparing a land use proposal or development.
The District Plan for Palmerston North describes what you can and can't do with your land.
Find out about the plan change process and see proposed and adopted plan changes.
You can have your say on a proposed plan change through the submission process.
What we're doing to increase housing supply in Palmy.
A notable tree is one that has historical or cultural value. By keeping a schedule of notable trees within the District Plan we are able to protect and recognise those of value to the city.
We're proposing to rezone land in Aokautere to enable more homes to be built.
We're investigating whether 842ha to the west of Palmerston North can be developed to help meet the demand for housing.
The proposed Ashhurst Growth Areas include five sites identified for residential development in the future according to the Future Development Strategy.
This plan change recognises and protects the historic significance of the Oval on Massey University's Manawatū campus.
This change to the Palmerston North District Plan rezoned a small parcel of rural land for residential and recreational use.
This plan change removed opening hour rules for alcohol sales from the District Plan.
This plan change rezoned land along Napier Road to provide more housing capacity for the city.
This plan change rezoned a new area to the west of the city to enable more housing.
This plan change introduced mandatory requirements to install pressure sewer systems in some areas of the city.