Elected members are provided a declaration form to complete annually, once returned to Council officers a summary of the information is collated and published on our website. This Register summarises the information provided by elected members’ in their annual declarations in relation to the requirements of the Act which includes the following:
- Company directorship and controlling interest (section 54E(1)(a));
- Interests (such as shares and bonds) in companies or business entities (sections 54E(1)(b) and (2));
- Employment (section 54E(1)(c));
- Interests in trusts (section 54E(1)(d));
- Organisations and trusts seeking Council funding (section 54E(1)(e));
- Organisations appointed to by virtue of being an Elected Member (section 54E(1)(f));
- Real property (section 54E(1)(g) and (1)(h));
- Overseas travel (section 54F(1)(a));
- Gifts (section 54F(1)(b));
- Payments for activities (section 54F(1)(c)).