Animal management fees and charges

Here are the fees we charge for animal management, including dog registration fees and pound charges.

All charges include GST, effective from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

Dog registration and dog impounding fees are imposed under the Dog Control Act 1996. Driving charges and impounding fees for animals other than dogs are imposed under the Impounding Act 1955. The fees and charges are necessary to recover the cost to Council of providing these services.

Fixed fees

These charges cover the standard cost to Council in carrying out the work listed. However, additional charges may be charged depending on the circumstances, such as additional inspection fees that may be incurred in doing the work noted below.

Dog registration Standard fee 2024-25 Total fee (including penalty) if paid after 1 August 
General registration $176 $264
General registration (desexed dog) $131 $196.50
Preferred owner $99 $148.50
Rural working $61 $91.50
Disability assist no charge no charge
Certified for use by specified agency no charge no charge
Preferred owner or multiple dog permit application $64  

Dog registration fees are set under the Dog Control Act 1996. Disability assist and specified agency are as defined in section 2 of the Act.

The registration fee for a dog that is declared a dangerous dog will be 150% of the level that would apply if it were not so classified (as required by section 32 (1)(e) of the Dog Control Act 1996).

These fees are set under S.68 of the Dog Control Act 1996.
Pound fees for dogs  Fee
When a dog is registered, microchipped, has no history with our animal management team within the past 12 months and can be returned home immediately, there is no cost.  Nil
When a dog is registered, microchipped, has no history with our animal management team within the past 12 months and needs to be held in the pound pending same-day collection, a holding fee will apply. $50
First impound $148
Second impound, within 12 months of first impound $222
Third or subsequent impound, within 12 months of previous impound $298
Daily charge per dog per day or part of a day $23
Surrender of a dog $98
Adoption fee (covers microchipping, vaccination, neutering and registration) $425


Set under the Impounding Act 1955.
Pound fees for all animals other than dogs Per head
First offence $124 
Repeated offence $187
Sustenance and care $15 per day


Other fees

These fees may be added to the fixed fees list above or may be applied as a single charge.

Supplementary feed for stock

$150% of sustenance charge.

Emergency release of animals from the pound outside normal hours

Normal hours are 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding statutory and public holidays. Emergency release fees are in addition to the impound fees.

Emergency release of dogs  Fee
First emergency release  $74 
Second emergency release, within 12 months of first impound $111 
Third and subsequent emergency releases, within 12 months of previous impound $149
Emergency release of other animals Fee
First emergency release $70 
Second or subsequent emergency release, within 12 months o first impound $105 


Driving charges  Fee
Hire transport Actual cost incurred by Council 
Council vehicles $2.26 per kilometre


Microchipping  Fee per dog 
To carry out microchipping $30


Charges for Council staff Rate per hour (or part thereof) 
Team Leader, Animal Management and Education $223
Animal Control Officer $157
Administration staff $144
Manager, Environmental Protection $275
General Manager $294

Guidance note

The environmental protection manager is authorised to remit, reduce or refund the dog control fee or part of the fee in any particular case or class of dog where there are special grounds for doing so.