Planning Services fees and charges

Here are the fees we charge for Planning Services, including resource consents for land use, subdivisions, boundaries and other activities related to the District Plan.

All fees and charges include GST unless indicated. Effective 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

Planning Services charges are imposed under the Resource Management Act 1991 to recover the cost to Council for processing applications, monitoring consents, and for Notice of Requirement designations and private District Plan changes.

The Council's normal approach will be to invoice charges progressively (month by month) but we reserve the right to require a deposit of up to the amounts shown below before any work begins. 

Flat fees

Activity type Charge
Small-scale resource consent $780
Boundary activity $430 
Temporary or marginal breach $660
Certificate of compliance $550
Town planning certificate (alcohol) $430
Existing use certificate $1,250
Waiver for requirement of an outline plan $550


Indicative charges

These charges are payable by applicants for resource consents, for the local authority to carry out its functions in relation to receiving, processing and granting resource consents, including certificates of compliance and existing use certificates (RMA Section 36(1)(b)).

These charges were previously known as fixed fees. We've changed the terminology to indicative charges to make it clearer.

Section 36 of the RMA enables the Council to charge additional fees to recover actual and reasonable costs when the "fixed fee" is inadequate. This means that applications that exceed standard processing times or which involve a hearing may incur additional charges. Consultants' and solicitors' fees associated with all work types are also included.

We may refund part of the fee if the work required to process the application is minimal.

Activity type Charge Deposit
Non notified land use consents (minor) $2,200 $1,500
Non notified land use consents (other than minor) $5,000 $3,000
Limited notified land use consents $73,000 $48,000
Notified land use consents (full notification) $97,000 $64,000
Non notified subdivision consents (controlled activity) $3,400 $1,900
Non notified subdivision consents (discretionary restricted) $3,600 $2,400
Non notified subdivision contents (other) $6,800 $4,500
Notified subdivision consents for up to and including 20 lots in total (full and limited notification) $28,000 $18,000
Notified subdivision consents for more than 20 lots (full and limited notification) $48,000 $31,000
Outline planning approval $1,400 $900
Notified notice of requirements, heritage orders, designation alterations $20,000 $13,000
Non notified notice of requirements, heritage orders, designation alterations $3,400 $2,000
District Plan changes $32,000 $20,000


These charges are payable by resource consent holders for Council to carry out its functions relating to administering, monitoring and supervising resource consents, including certificates of compliance and existing use certificates, and for carrying out its resource management functions under Section 35 (Section 36(1)(c)).

Activity type Charge Deposit
Monitoring of non-notified resource consents At cost of officer's time per hour (minimum 2 hours) N/A
Monitoring of notified resource consents At cost of officer's time per hour (minimum 4 hours) N/A
Variations to conditions (Sections 127 and 221 –subdivision and land use) $2,175 $1,400
Extensions of time (Section 125) $1,375 $900
Cancellation of building line restrictions (under Local Government Act 1974) $1,375 $900
Adjustment of easements $1,375 $900
Subdivision certificates (including Sections 223, 224) $485 $300
Subdivision certificates (Section 226) $1,715 $1,100
Subdivision inspections for up to and including 5 lots, or staged, in total $1,035 $600
Subdivision inspections for between 6 lots and up to and including 10 lots, or staged, in total $1,945 $1,300
Subdivision inspections for between 11 lots and up to and including 20 lots, or staged, in total $3,895 $2,500
Subdivision inspections for more than 20 lots, unstaged $5,725 $4,000
Removal of designations $320 $280
Purchase of District Plan and District Plan updates At cost At cost


Charges payable by resource consent holders, for Council to carry out its functions relating to reviewing consent conditions.

Activity type Charge Deposit
Review at the request of the consent holder $2,060 $1,300
Review pursuant to Section 128 (1) (a) $2,060 $1,250
Review pursuant to Section 128 (1) (c) $6,065 $4,000


Document charges
Charges for the supply of documents payable by the person requesting the document (Section 36 (1) (f)).
Replacement copies of certificates $130
Replacement copies of resource consents At cost of officer's time per hour plus disbursements
Other documents $1 per page
Additional copies of order papers $40


Other charges

General enquiries

There is no cost for an individual enquiry up to 30 minutes (whether in person at our Customer Service Centre, by phone or in writing). Where an individual enquiry is for a period longer than 30 minutes, it will be charged at cost, based on the relevant officer's hourly rate. 

Pre-application advice

A $1,000 fee will be charged for use of the pre-application service (standard proposals). This applies where staff provide professional advice before you lodge a resource consent application. For additional advice or special circumstances, time will be charged at the relevant officer's hourly rate.

Consultant charges

Consultants' and solicitors' fees associated with all work types will be charged at cost plus disbursements. This includes processing a consent or certificate (including specialist technical or legal advice where a consent involves creating legal instruments) and new notices of requirement, heritage orders, designation alterations, removal of designations and District Plan changes. 

Charges for hearings

Hearings for all applications, designations, notice of requirements private District Plan changes, development contributions and remittance fees and associated work by relevant staff will be charged at the cost of officers' time per hour, as shown below.

Production of order papers will be at cost plus disbursements.


Council officers' hourly rates
These charges are the rates per hour for Council officers and decision-makers for processing consents, hearings, designations etc that do not have an indicative charge or where the indicative charge is inadequate to cover the actual and reasonable costs of the Council.
Planning Technician $209
Planning Officer $235
Monitoring and Enforcement Officer $209
Senior Planning Officer $251
Team Leader, Planning Services $262
Manager, Planning Services $273
City Planning Manager $273
General Manager $294
Team Leader, Business Support $219
Senior Business Support Officer $198
Administration or committee administration staff $144
Technical and professional staff from all other Council units $268
Commissioner At cost plus disbursements
Hearing panel of elected members At cost ($116 per hour for chair and $93 per hour for members) plus disbursements


Guidance notes

The number of lots in a subdivision includes the balance lot.

The fixed charges do not include other charges that may be imposed under the RMA or other legislation such as:

  • Additional charges (Section 36(5))
  • Bonds
  • Monitoring and supervision charges expressly provided for in a resource consent
  • Development contributions.

Fees methodology

Land use and subdivision consents have been based on average costs of consents issued. Deposits have generally been set at rates consistent with the previous year. Indicative charges are set at an appropriate level based on historical data. Final charges will be charged at staff hourly rates, technical officer or consultant time and any other relevant council fees that apply.

Minor non notified land use consents usually applies to:

  • applications for a dwelling, or a minor dwelling, dependent dwellings, accessory buildings, home occupations and access in the residential and rural zones
  • applications for non-illuminated signs in the business and industrial zones.

Monitoring and inspection charges are based on staff hourly rates to complete the task. Dealing with compliance issues is based on the actual time spent by the officer, based on the hourly rate for the monitoring and enforcement officer.