Te Motu o Poutoa civic marae and cultural centre

Aerial view of a heavily forested clifftop park overlooking the river.

Find out more and have your say

As part of our long-term plan for Palmy, we’re working to restore the mana and identity of Te Motu o Poutoa Anzac Park, one of our city’s most significant sites. At the same time, we’re creating a space for everyone in the community to enjoy.

The planned facility will include a public café, a civic marae, and spaces for private events. It will also have a strong educational focus, making it a great place for school trips and a meaningful spot for locals to bring friends and whānau.

Project timeline and approvals

Before construction can begin, we need to secure external funding. Work is expected to take place between late 2025 and 2027, but this depends on when funding is confirmed.

As part of this project, we’ll also upgrade Cliff Road, which leads to the site. Additionally, the design and exact location of the marae and cultural centre must go through the necessary Resource Management Act 1991 and Building Act 2004 approval processes, which we’re currently working on. 

A partnership with Rangitāne o Manawatū

In 2019 we entered into a formal co-management agreement with Rangitāne o Manawatū to preserve this wāhi tapu (sacred place). This partnership ensures Te Motu o Poutoa is restored in a way that honours its deep significance to for Rangitāne and acknowledges those who have fallen.

The proposed visitor attraction will include a building to cater for a variety of uses, including a café, meeting rooms, shop and gallery, with capacity to host overnight stays. It will be available for cultural and civic events, education and casual drop-in visits. Everyone will be welcome.

Read more about the park and its significance for Rangitāne

Costs and funding

As part of our Long-Term Plan 2024-34:

  • Council will fund the Cliff Road upgrade ($2.1M of $4.3M) and contribute $9.8M to the project
  • Rangitāne o Manawatū will fund $2M
  • the remaining $3M will come from an external partnership.

Keeping you updated

We’ll keep this page updated with the latest on funding, timelines, and key milestones. In 2025, we’re also seeking community feedback on how the facility should be governed and managed in the future.


Te Motu o Poutoa, Cliff Road, Fitzherbert 4410  View Map

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