How to have your say

Feedback on our Long-Term Plan 2024-34 opened on 8 April and closes at 4pm on Thursday 9 May. There are loads of ways to have your say and we hope you do.

It's only by hearing your thoughts that we'll be able to make sure the plan covers all the things most important to you.

During this consultation period we have a range of ways for you to chat to ask and ask your questions. You can also have your say through making a formal submission. 

Submission forms are available at our libraries and Customer Service Centre as well as online.  

There are no age restrictions to making a submission – we are happy to see submissions from all ages.

All comments made on our social media channels will also be shared with our elected members for consideration. You’ll also be able to speak to your submission, where you can come and chat about your ideas, opportunities or concerns face-to-face with our elected members.  

There are plenty of other ways for you to find information and give feedback during consultation, too.

You can give your feedback on our plan in a variety of ways

You can give feedback in any format. This can include:

  • filling out our online form
  • filling in a paper submission form (find these at our Customer Service Centre and libraries)
  • sharing feedback on our social media channels
  • emailing us at

You can give feedback in any format that suits you. That could be a letter, petition, picture, drawing, song or video (up to 3 minutes) etc.

You can also come and chat to elected members at the Planning Palmy Expo on Saturday 20 April.