Draft development contributions policy

We’re also seeking your feedback on proposed changes to our Development Contributions Policy.

If you’re subdividing your land, planning to build a new home or business, or expand, it’s likely you’ll need to pay development contributions. These are paid on any development that generates extra demand on infrastructure in our city. This reduces the financial burden on ratepayers and ensures our infrastructure is fairly funded.   

Proposed changes to the policy

  • Changing the contributions required. We’re proposing an increase in the contributions for residential development and a corresponding decrease in the non-residential fee to more equitably distribute the cost of growth
  • We’re proposing to stop collecting development contributions for growth costs associated with Nature Calls wastewater project, due to Council’s proposal to seek external funding for the project
  • We’re proposing to add the cost of interest from borrowing that funds infrastructure growth into the calculation of development contribution fees. This is already done by some other councils around New Zealand
  • Proposing to not charge a fee for non-residential development that does not have a connection to the water and or wastewater network
  • Proposing new development contribution areas for Roxburgh Crescent and Matangi, formerly known as Whiskey Creek 
  • Updating household growth projections and appendix maps
  • Updating the fees schedule, which shows how much people pay.   

Draft development contributions policy(PDF, 6MB)

Statement of proposal(PDF, 1MB)