Our plans for housing

Our city needs 400 new homes each year to make sure everyone has a home. We’re working hard to make that goal achievable. You can be assured that when it comes to housing for our community, we’ve got all fronts covered. 

Rezoning land at Aokautere, Ashhurst, Roxburgh Crescent and Kākātangiata, to the west of the city

Rezoning is where we allow different types of development in an area, than what had been there before. These projects are still in the investigations, consulting or hearing stages, but are expected to result in more than 8,000 additional homes available in our city. Development at Aokautere, Ashhurst and Kākātangiata is subject to Council seeking external funding for new infrastructure required to service growth in these areas.

Planning or working on construction projects that help support growth – primarily water and transport work

This work is at Kikiwhenua, Hokowhitu Lagoon, Napier Road, Whakarongo, and Mātangi (Whiskey Creek by Cloverlea and Milson).

Investigating a medium density zone in our urban area to allow people more housing options

Housing in this zone could be a bit taller, up to 3 storeys, and closer together. Section sizes in this zone could also be smaller, with landowners able to subdivide down to 150m². The type of housing within the medium density residential zone could include duplexes, multi-units, townhouses and apartments. This would widen the range of housing options we have available. Currently, this is mostly stand-alone homes on single sections. We expect to consult you on this later this year.

Developing land ourselves at Tamakuku Terrace

We’re converting unused land on James Line into subdivision sections for people to build their dream home. The final stage of this development is proposed to take place in 2024-25, which will bring another 35 sections to the market.

Using Council land for housing

Plans are underway to provide around 50 or more homes. These homes will be on the Huia Street Reserve on the corner of Park Road and Fitzherbert Avenue.

Looking into options to deliver more social housing units

These are on the site of the former Terrace End Bowling Club on Summerhays Street.

We are planning on investing more money in social housing for our community

This will be on top of the 442 properties we already have. 

We’re also proposing spending $230,000 a year for 3 years, on 3 pilot initiatives to respond to homelessness

This includes:

  • an outreach service to connect rough sleepers with appropriate support
  • trial of a local Housing First wrap-around support programme
  • a Flexifund people could apply to for support with small costs if they were at risk of losing their tenancy due to unforeseen circumstances. 
Council housing projects over the next decade that would cost more than $10M

 Additional social housing units. A portion of this to be allocated to future development at the former Terrace End Bowling Club on Summerhays Street.

We are also looking at options for housing at Huia Street Reserve. No decisions have been made yet. This project will be consulted on again in future long-term plans, as this work will be a few years away.