Who should manage and make decisions about your water in the future?
That’s the important question we need your feedback on now!
Under the government’s Local Water Done Well programme and associated legislation, all councils must consult with their communities on how they will manage and deliver water services in the future.
New Zealand is facing major challenges in maintaining and upgrading infrastructure such as roads, water, and electricity. Our city has generally managed its water assets well in an ever-changing legislative environment. However, the costs of maintaining and improving this infrastructure are putting pressure on both central and local government agencies—and, ultimately, on taxpayers and ratepayers.
We must consult on our current approach to delivering water services, even though this option isn’t financially sustainable for us. This means it wouldn’t meet legal requirements under the new legislation. We have two alternative options for you to consider, along with high-level cost estimates for the coming decades. Read more about the options.
Each option has its pros and cons, but one thing is clear—scale matters. The more people (and their home or business water connections) we have contributing to costs, the more affordable water services will be in the future.
This is a complex issue, but it’s crucial that you understand the challenges, get involved, and have your say about the future of your water services. This will be one of the most important decisions we make in the coming decades.
We’re not happy with the timeframes set by the government, but we’re committed to providing you with the best information available, advocating for you, and answering your questions.
Join us at one of our drop-in sessions, chat with us online, and submit your feedback before 4pm on 30 March.
Together, we must ensure water services continue to be done well in the future.