Some other points for you to consider

Here's some other information for you to think about before you make your submission.

The law is clear on keeping water assets publicly owned

The legislation includes several requirements to ensure water assets cannot be sold or transferred to private entities without extensive legislative and community consent.

Our water assets are important

Our council considers our water assets to be significant for our community and our current long-term plan doesn’t propose any change in ownership.

Under Options 1 and 2, ownership of some of these assets would transfer to the water organisation. This would require us to amend the Long-Term Plan 2024-34, based on our proposed timeframes.

If you have any comments on this specific aspect, please let us know on our submission form.

Stormwater management is very important to us

Stormwater is a unique part of our region's water system – because, unlike wastewater or the drinking water supply, some of the critical parts of the system are shared across other services. For example, the roads hold stormwater (heavy rainfall) as they drain. Our parks and reserves are designed to have lots of green space to help hold onto as much water as possible in heavy rain events. Both of these aspects help reduce the chances of flooding.

While stormwater management is factored into the modelling, it is likely Council continues to own all stormwater assets, and be responsible for the work programme, but contract the day-to-day management to a water organisation. That includes things like upgrading pipes, clearing drains and grates etc.

Our council is passionate about good stormwater management and doing all we can to mitigate the impacts of climate change for our community. We’re currently working on a strategy and flood models to help us in that space.

We’ve been keeping iwi updated

We’ve continued to keep our partners and local mana whenua Rangitāne o Manawatū involved through our regular interactions with them. Iwi from across the region have also met for some group hui. Rangitāne have shared with us that they wish to be involved in all aspects of this project, including the development of the water services delivery plan, transition agreements, and the water organisation.

We will continue to work with and seek feedback from Rangitāne o Manawatū throughout the process. This process will need to carefully consider iwi interests and involvement, especially if there are differing objectives across the wider area. We believe iwi do have a role to play in water management.

A bigger population doesn't mean a bigger say in joint organisations

Under Options 1 and 2, the water organisation would make decisions. Despite having the largest population, our elected members have not made any resolutions about the governance expectations for a potential joint organisation.

We believe your water services could improve

Under Options 1 and 2 , we expect your water services will improve if we join with others. With more people paying for water, the improvements we need to make can likely happen faster.

Being an urban area, our community has a higher expectation of service and we’ll be advocating for maintained or improved levels of service with any organisation.

With more people to pay, there will also likely be a push for innovation and better environmental outcomes.

All options will be subject to a range of regulations

There are a range of changes being made to better monitor water services – including the quality of water and also the cost.

Under Options 1 and 2

If we were to join other councils, the new water organisation would still be subject to strong oversight. First, there’s the shareholding councils who create a Statement of Expectation about what is expected, and how councils will monitor it and assess its performance.

The organisation has to respond to this in its water strategy. The organisation would also be required to create annual reports and other public reporting of its work and financial position.

For all options

Under the new legislation, regulators would keep a close eye on water services.

The Commerce Commission would look at pricing. And Taumata Arowai – The Water Services Authority, ensures drinking water meets legal standards.

Councils now have to pay additional costs for these regulators. This coming year that includes $400,000 to Taumata Arowai and $100,000 for the Commerce Commission. If Option 1 or 2 proceeds, these costs will be paid by the water organisation. Council will pay these costs in the interim.

Lastly, there is still a wide range of other laws that influence water services – for example, the Reserves Management Act. Another major regulatory change coming up is new standards for wastewater treatment. The Department of Internal Affairs has indicated this will reduce costs for councils.

Read more about the options

This is how a jointly owned water organisation could be structured

This diagram comes from the Department of Internal Affairs. However, we've added iwi to the side to recognise that we believe they should have a role.

Graphic showing the structure of a water organisation. The organisation board makes operative and financial decisions. It answers to a shareholder board made up of all the councils involved. And must meet legislative and regulatory requirements.