There are a range of changes being made to better monitor water services – including the quality of water and also the cost.
Under Options 1 and 2
If we were to join other councils, the new water organisation would still be subject to strong oversight. First, there’s the shareholding councils who create a Statement of Expectation about what is expected, and how councils will monitor it and assess its performance.
The organisation has to respond to this in its water strategy. The organisation would also be required to create annual reports and other public reporting of its work and financial position.
For all options
Under the new legislation, regulators would keep a close eye on water services.
The Commerce Commission would look at pricing. And Taumata Arowai – The Water Services Authority, ensures drinking water meets legal standards.
Councils now have to pay additional costs for these regulators. This coming year that includes $400,000 to Taumata Arowai and $100,000 for the Commerce Commission. If Option 1 or 2 proceeds, these costs will be paid by the water organisation. Council will pay these costs in the interim.
Lastly, there is still a wide range of other laws that influence water services – for example, the Reserves Management Act. Another major regulatory change coming up is new standards for wastewater treatment. The Department of Internal Affairs has indicated this will reduce costs for councils.
Read more about the options