The four councils would work together to set up the organisation
If this option is selected, the four councils would work together on a transition plan. It would appoint representatives to a joint committee known as a shareholder council. This group would then set up the new organisation by appointing a skills-based board of directors.
The shareholding council committee would also create a ‘statement of expectations’. That would outline Council's expectations, determine priorities, and set the strategic direction that would inform the decisions and actions of the organisation. Legislation also requires that the new water organisation prepares a water services strategy which would detail its approach to water management. That strategy would be reviewed every three years and relates to a period of at least 10 financial years, so it would act like a council long-term plan.
The board of directors would be ‘skills based’, meaning a mix of people with the experience and skills in managing large organisations with various stakeholders, and who may have utility experience.
The transition plan would include topics such as the expected start date, iwi involvement, scope of delivery services, location, customer experience and staff transitions.
A water organisation would be independent of Council. No elected members would be involved in its daily decisions.
The organisation is responsible for its own funding and for charging customers
The legislation requires that the new organisation must determine the funding needed for water services.
It would be responsible for all levels of service. This includes sourcing, treating, and discharging water, planning for future repairs and upgrades, charging for water, and keeping you, our community informed and involved.
As the water assets transfer to the water organisation, it takes on our ‘water-related’ debt. It can also borrow money for water construction (capital costs), separate from council borrowing. Currently, councils must balance water spending with other services they manage.
This also means that councils can keep investing in other services, such as transport, rubbish, recycling, and key community facilities. Councils would still consult and seek feedback on these other services through their long-term plans and other community consultations.
This is how a jointly-owned water organisation could be structured
This diagram comes from the Department of Internal Affairs. We've added iwi to the side to recognise that we believe they should have a role.