Improvements ahead for our bird aviaries at the Victoria Esplanade

Published on 21 October 2024

The central gardens at the Esplanade shot from the air, showing the paddling pool and aviaries near the avenue of palm trees.

Visitors to Victoria Esplanade may notice some small-scale improvements taking place at our bird aviaries over the next several weeks.

The project includes adding new steps and a cosy shelter area to make our aviaries more comfortable. We’re also taking some simple measures to improve predator-proofing, ensuring our birds remain safe from potential threats like rats and stoats.

Central Energy Trust Wildbase Recovery manager, Chris Smith, emphasises the importance of this work.

"These enhancements are aimed at ensuring the continued wellbeing of our birds. We’re pleased to see these small but necessary improvements being made."

As part of the overall effort to enhance the area, we’ll also be removing 2 aviaries that have been vacant for 6 years. These previously housed pāteke and whio, which are now comfortably settled at Central Energy Trust Wildbase Recovery. In their place, a new garden area will be planted for visitors to enjoy.

Council's Manager of Parks and Reserves, Kathy Dever-Tod, says: "Our parks team is committed to making Victoria Esplanade a welcoming place for everyone, including our feathered residents.

"The new steps, shelters, and predator-proofing will enhance the area, and we appreciate everyone’s patience while we carry out this work."

During this time, visitors might notice some construction activity and temporary fencing but rest assured, these are all part of our ongoing efforts to maintain and improve this much-loved space.

These upgrades, totalling $66,000, are part of our renewals programme. The last significant work on these aviaries was carried out when Central Energy Trust Wildbase Recovery first opened, making these updates timely and necessary.

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