Parking infringement fee increases from 1 October

Published on 10 September 2024

Parking officer issuing a ticket to a car illegally parked in a mobility parking space.

The government has set new nationwide fees for parking infringements and towage. The increased fees below will come into effect on 1 October 2024.

Infringement fee increases from 1 October

Please note: Parking without activating the meter will incur a flat fee of $70 from this date.

Parking without paying

If you park without activating the meter, you will receive a $70 fine.

Exceeding the time limit

The parking ticket fee depends on how much extra time you park in a metered or time-restricted space.

Time overstayed Fee 
Up to 30 minutes $20
30 minutes to 1 hour $25
1 to 2 hours $36
2 to 4 hours $51
4 to 6 hours $71
More than 6 hours $97

Parking unsafely

If you park on the road in a way that's unsafe for pedestrians or other vehicles, you will receive a $100 fine.

This includes parking:

  • on or within six metres of an intersection
  • on or too close to a pedestrian crossing
  • on a broken yellow line
  • alongside a car that is parked on the side of the road (double parking)
  • on a clearway
  • in an active bus lane or cycle lane
  • in a marked bus stop.

Parking in a mobility park without a valid permit

Being illegally parked in an area reserved for disabled people is an offence that will incur a $750 fee.

Other parking infringements

The fee for most other parking infringements is $70. This includes parking on footpaths, over a vehicle entrance or over a fire hydrant.


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