Palmerston North’s Resource Recovery Fund recipients announced

Published on 07 June 2024

Images shows hands holding a tiny plant with some soil

Four innovative projects have received grants from this year’s Resource Recovery Fund. This annual fund empowers local organisations and businesses in Palmerston North to take a more active role in minimising waste.

Group Manager of Resource Recovery, Bryce Hosking, expressed his admiration for the high-quality proposals submitted this year.

“It's great to see such creative and practical solutions being put forward to make Palmerston North a greener place. We are excited to see the positive impact these projects will have on our community and hope they inspire others to take action towards sustainability.”

The Resource Recovery Fund underscores our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. This year, a total of $40,000 was awarded, funded through the Ministry for the Environment’s Waste Levy Funding.

The recipients of this year’s grants are:

Sustainable is Attainable – Precycle

Precycle, a local waste minimisation company, is introducing the successful Sustainable is Attainable programme to Manawatū. Already active in South Canterbury and Hawke's Bay, this non-profit helps primary industry and food production businesses reduce waste by diverting manufacturing by-products from landfills. Precycle is currently gathering data from Manawatū businesses to identify various waste streams and develop strategies to repurpose these materials.

Project Clean Comb – Mason Brothers Honey

Mason Brothers Honey, local beekeepers, recognised the need to clean and reuse honeycombs instead of throwing them away after honey extraction. They plan to purchase equipment to wash and reuse plastic combs, which may also be offered as a service to other local apiarists. This initiative promotes sustainability within the beekeeping community by reducing waste and improving hive efficiency.

Palmerston North Repair Café – Environment Network Manawatū (ENM)

We’re continuing to support the Palmerston North Repair Café run by ENM for the third year in a row. This initiative not only provides a space for the community to repair broken items but also creates connections within the community. The Repair Café has become a staple in Palmerston North, emphasising the value of repairing things rather than throwing them out.

Storage Capacity Increase – Just Zilch

As the amount of food delivered to Just Zilch grows, so does the need for additional storage space. This project will expand their warehouse capacity, allowing them to rescue more food from going to waste. This initiative aligns with our waste minimisation goals and addresses food insecurity in the community.

“We look forward to seeing what these projects accomplish and we’ll be providing an update later in the year,” says Mr Hosking.

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