Rotation of trustees on Council-controlled organisations


24 June 2019

  1. That Council commence an appointment process inviting persons to apply for two trustee positions on the Te Manawa Museum Trust Board.
  2. That it be noted that the Annual General Meeting of the Te Manawa Museum Board is to be held on 26 September 2019 commencing at 5.30pm, at Te Manawa Museum.
  3. That Council commence an appointment process inviting persons to apply for two trustee positions on the Globe Theatre Trust Board.
  4. That it be noted that the Annual General Meeting of the Globe Theatre Trust is yet to be determined.
  5. That Council commence an appointment process inviting persons to apply for two trustee positions on the Regent Theatre Trust Board.
  6. That it be noted that the Annual General Meeting of The Regent Theatre Trust Board is to be held on Tuesday 24 September 2019, commencing at 5:30pm at The Regent Theatre.
  7. That Council commence an appointment process inviting persons to apply for three trustee positions on the Caccia Birch Trust Board.
  8. That it be noted that the Annual General Meeting of the Caccia Birch Trust Board is yet to be determined.
  9. That Council commence an appointment process inviting persons to apply for two director positions on the Palmerston North Airport Limited Board.
  10. That it be noted that the Annual General Meeting of the Palmerston North Airport Limited will be held by entry in the Minute Book at a date yet to be determined in October 2019.
  11. That a letter of thanks be sent to all retiring CCO members.