In This Section
From time to time Council's Hearings Committee considers matters under the Dog Control Act.
Hearing postponed. Future date to be advised by public notice.
Agenda - Hearing under Dog Control Act - 2 June 2023(PDF, 1MB)
Dog Control 3 June 2021(PDF, 8MB)
Decision of hearings committee - dog control act hearing 3 June 2021(PDF, 460KB)
Agenda Hearings Committee - 18 March 21(PDF, 4MB)
Decision Hearings Committee - Menacing Dog Sec 33A Tag 319 503KB pdf(PDF, 503KB)
Agenda Hearings Committee Dog Control Act - 19 March 2019(PDF, 2MB)
Agenda Hearing under Dog Control Act - 13 March 19(PDF, 561KB)
Minutes and Decision Dog Control Act 13 March 2019(PDF, 838KB)