The designation has been confirmed, but is now under appeal and awaiting a decision from the Environment Court.
Palmerston North City Council has applied for a Notice of a Requirement to designate land for a new road connecting Abby Road and Johnstone Drive.
The proposed road would be a two-lane extension to Abby Road, approximately 180m long. It would join with a T intersection to Johnstone Drive.
The Notice of Requirement is for 0.97ha at 52 Johnstone Drive, legally described as Lot 2 DP 484516, Lot 694 DP 500578, Lot 695 DP 509873, Lot 1102 DP 519561.
The green dotted line in the map indicates the area of land we are seeking to designate for the new road (currently zoned residential).
Abby Road Notice of Requirement(PDF, 6MB)
Notice of Requirement to designate a new road [public notice]
Submissions closed on 2 December 2020. Three submissions were received.
Submissions on notice of requirement for new road connecting Abby Road and Johnstone Drive(PDF, 24MB)
Notice of hearing(PDF, 131KB)
Commissioner minute number 1(PDF, 95KB)
Hearing agenda part 1 [pages 1 to 238](PDF, 23MB)
Hearing agenda part 2 [pages 239 to 484](PDF, 11MB)
Further information request(PDF, 252KB)
Applicant's response on transport matters in S92(PDF, 65KB)
Planning report: Ryan O'Leary(PDF, 3MB)
Landscape report: Shannon Bray(PDF, 244KB)
Transport report: Harriet Fraser(PDF, 663KB)
Stormwater report: David Arseneau(PDF, 197KB)
Landscape statement: Chantal Whitby(PDF, 3MB)
Planning statement: Michael Duindam(PDF, 2MB)
Transport statement: Sam Thornton(PDF, 148KB)
Tabled items
Submission: Aokautere Land Holdings Ltd, Affidavit of Les Fugle(PDF, 365KB)
Submission: Lynne Bishop(PDF, 682KB)
Submissions for the requiring authority: PNCC(PDF, 615KB)
Palmerston North Housing & Business Development Capacity Assessment Report(PDF, 19MB)
Revised draft designation conditions(PDF, 1MB)
Supplementary statement of evidence for PNCC (Ryan O’Leary – Planning)(PDF, 208KB)
PowerPoint presentation for PNCC (Chantal Whitby – Landscape)(PDF, 17MB)
Commissioner minute number 2(PDF, 81KB)
Landscape statement for hearing on 31 March: Shannon Bray(PDF, 121KB)
Planning speaking notes for hearing on 31 March: Michael Duindam(PDF, 70KB)
Legal submissions in reply for the Council as requiring authority(PDF, 270KB)
Map of proposed subdivision: Aokautere Landholdings Ltd(PDF, 1MB)
Schedule 1: Draft designation conditions(PDF, 277KB)
Memorandum regarding information requested at hearing(PDF, 201KB)
Memo appendix A(PDF, 826KB)
Memo appendix B(PDF, 652KB)
Memo appendix C(PDF, 652KB)
Memo appendix D(PDF, 485KB)
Memo appendix E(PDF, 9MB)
Report of independent hearings commissioner, 28 May 2021(PDF, 718KB)
We originally lodged a notice of requirement in 2019, invited submissions and held a hearing in 2020. You can download all documents related to this process below.
Notice of requirement: Extension to Abby Road between Pacific Drive and Johnstone Drive [Dec 2019](PDF, 18MB)
Public notice: Notice of requirement for designation [Jan 2020](PDF, 207KB)
Original submissions(PDF, 7MB)
Commissioner's minute number 1(PDF, 108KB)
Record of notification decision for the notice of requirement(PDF, 1MB)
Memorandum of counsel for PNCC, 1 May(PDF, 1MB)
Memorandum of counsel for PNCC, 5 May(PDF, 125KB)
Memorandum of counsel for PNCC, 25 June(PDF, 318KB)
Memorandum of counsel for PNCC, 29 July(PDF, 399KB)
Memorandum of counsel for PNCC, 24 August(PDF, 134KB)
Memorandum of counsel for PNCC, 30 October(PDF, 126KB)