We’re planning to give Papaioea Pasifika Community Trust a licence so it can start a community garden at Bill Brown Park. We asked you to let us know what you think before we make a final decision.
Papaioea Pasifika Community Trust plans to start a community garden at 21 Havelock Avenue (part of Bill Brown Park). The proposed location is approximately 27m2 and sits between the Pasifika Community Centre and the existing playground.
The community garden will be used as an educational tool for members of the Pasifika community and wider Palmy community. The Trust plans to run workshops and upskill families in growing their own fruits and vegetables.
If we grant this licence, the Trust will be responsible for all costs needed to run the garden.
You can read more about the licence proposal in this report to the November 2023 meeting of Council's Strategy and Finance Committee:
Proposal to support Papaioea Pasifika Community Trust by notifying the intention to grant a licence agreement of Council land