Vogel Street safety improvements

Feedback closed on Sunday 10 December.

Photo of aerial view of a long straight road stretching through residential area

In 2022, we were asked by a group of residents to make it safer to walk, cycle and drive on Vogel Street.

One of the submissions included a petition we received during consultation on our 2022/2023 Annual Budget. As part of that process, elected members asked us to report to them with a staged plan to address road safety concerns on Vogel Street.

Our records show there have been 50 crashes on Vogel Street in the past five years.

  • 15 crashes caused injuries
  • 14 crashes involved drivers losing control
  • 25 crashes involved rear end accidents at intersections
  • Two crashes involved pedestrians

We consulted the community in late-2023 on two proposed packages of safety improvements:

  • Three raised pedestrian crossings + right-turn bay into Featherston Street + separated cycleway
  • Three raised pedestrian crossings + right-turn bay into Featherston Street + shared pathway

Read a report of the consultation feedback(PDF, 511KB)

We’re constructing three raised pedestrian crossings and a right-turn bay into Featherston and Haydon Streets

At a Council meeting on 24 April 2024, elected members voted to proceed with the installation of three raised pedestrian crossings and a right-turn bay into Featherston and Haydon Streets. These improvements will be constructed in the 2024/2025 financial year from existing roading budgets.

Read the meeting agenda

Having considered your feedback, officers decided to take more time to consider the options for implementing cycleway improvements on Vogel Street as there are other streets in the city considered to be a higher priority.


Vogel Street,  4414  View Map

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