How can we make our city centre fun and playful for everyone?

Submissions closed on 31 October 2023, 12:00 AM

Two young adults playing giant chess in Te Marae o Hine.

Feedback on this topic is now closed. We'll use what you told us to help shape the next phase of our central city play programme.

We're keen to talk about ways you'd like to play, and we want to hear your ideas. How can we make our city centre a fun and joyful place for everyone?

 This isn't just for kids. Play should be available to everyone. And it’s so much more than just playgrounds and parks. Fun can happen anywhere.

Our city centre play programme covers the area inside Princess, Pitt, Ferguson and Grey Streets but we'd like to hear your ideas for the Railway Land too.

We want to introduce playful elements that are unexpected and spark delight.

By making the heart of Palmy a more fun and playful space we’re supporting our vision of a safe and vibrant place for everyone to enjoy.