Have your say on a proposal to reclassify Panako Park from a Recreation Reserve to a Local Purpose (Community) Reserve under the Reserves Act 1977.
Late last year we asked you if there was any demand for recreation and community use of the hall at Panako Park.
No expressions of interest were received from sport or recreation groups, but we did receive interest from several community groups who were interested in purchasing the hall (and securing an associated land lease) for a range of activities that did not meet the existing classification of the park.
All our parks in the city have a classification status that controls what types of activities can take place there – such as recreation, community use or to help control stormwater.
To retain the hall and proceed with the sale, we are now consulting you on our proposal to reclassify Panako Park from a Recreation Reserve to a Local Purpose (Community) Reserve under the Reserves Act 1977.
If our Elected Members approve the reclassification of Panako Park following consultation, community groups interested in purchasing the hall would be able to enter a negotiation process to purchase the hall with the current owner, Girl Guiding New Zealand.
Once a potential new owner has been identified, we would negotiate a draft land lease agreement with them and consult the community again on that agreement. The proposed activities of the group wanting to buy the hall and have a land lease would also be assessed to see if a resource consent would be required. If the lease and consenting were is confirmed, Girl Guiding NZ could finalise the sale of the hall to the purchasing group. Council does not make any money from the sale of the hall, but we do charge a small amount for the land lease.
Have your say now
Online consultation has ended.