We're proposing to update trade waste fees from 1 July 2025 to ensure the cost of these services is covered by users, rather than being subsidised by rates.
Each year, we review fees to make sure they're fair, transparent, and enough to cover operating costs. Following our latest review, we're proposing some increases to keep up with rising operating costs.
The changes to the various volume-based charges for trade waste reflect the trade waste volumes and costs for the last 2 years and are based on formulae contained in the Palmerston North Waste Bylaw. These charges are proposed to increase by 10 to 13%. Sampling and analysis charges for compliance monitoring are proposed to increase by 7% to cover increasing costs.
Trade waste refers to liquid waste that businesses discharge into the wastewater system.
For the full list of proposed fees and charges, download the document below.
Consultation document: Proposed Trade Waste Fees 2025/26(PDF, 215KB)
Submissions invited by 4pm Thursday 17 April
All submissions received will be considered. You can email or post your submission, or make your submission over the phone.
Submissions should include your name, address and a contact phone number, and whether you wish to speak about your submission to a meeting of elected members.
Email: submission@pncc.govt.nz
Post: Governance Manager, Palmerston North City Council, Private Bag 11-034, Palmerston North 4442
Phone: 06 356 8199