We are proposing the classification of 12A Roxburgh Crescent in part to Local Purpose (Road Reserve) and in part to Recreation Reserve.
Council owns land at 12A Roxburgh Crescent. It has never been vested or classified as a reserve. Part of the land runs between privately owned land and over the stop bank. It is used by the private landowner to access their land and also sometimes for public access to community events within the recreation area along the river (e.g. Relay for Life). A strip of this land is only currently accessible by the public on a case-by-case booked event basis and is gated off at each end.
Under the Reserves Act 1977, we’re proposing to declare the land as a reserve and classify it, partly into recreational reserve and partly for road reserve.
Declaring the land as a reserve ensures it is managed and preserved according to its designated purpose. It will also ensure we can maintain public access for the use and enjoyment of the area.
With the classifications, we can provide car parking for those using the improved river entrance, and classify the land on and over the stopbank for recreational purposes.
Council gives notice of its intention to declare Part Lot 2 DP 60866 contained in Record of Title WN31C/75 located in Roxburgh Crescent, Hokowhitu as a reserve and for it to be classified as recreation and local purpose reserve (road). The land is shown in the image below.