No longer on display. Expired on
19 December 2024, 04:00 PM
The Palmerston North City Council gives notice as required by Clause 7 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991, of the availability of a summary of decisions requested by people making submissions to Proposed Plan Change E: Roxburgh Residential Area.
The Council has received 23 original submissions on the proposed plan change.
The changes from Proposed Plan Change E to the District Plan are summarised as follows:
Changes to District Plan Section 4 - Definitions
- Insert new definitions for ‘Roxburgh Residential Area’ and ‘Principal Bedroom’
- Amend the definition for ‘Open Construction’.
Changes to District Plan Section 7 - Subdivision
- Add the Roxburgh Residential Area to Section 7 Subdivision.
- Add the objectives, policies, and rules that address resource management issues common to the Residential Area to the Roxburgh Residential Area.
- Introduce the Roxburgh Residential Structure Plan (Map 7.10) and the Roxburgh Residential Roading Cross Sections (Maps 7.10A and 7.10B) to guide future development in the Roxburgh Residential Area.
- Add provisions specific to the Roxburgh Residential Area in objectives, policies, and rules of Section 7.
Changes to District Plan Section 10 – Residential Zone
- Add the Roxburgh Residential Area to Section 10.
- Add the objectives, policies, and rules that address resource management issues common to the Residential Area to the Roxburgh Residential Area.
- Add provisions specific to the Roxburgh Residential Area in objectives, policies, and rules of Section 10.
All information, summary of decisions requested in the original submissions, and submission forms are also available on the Council website:
The summary of decisions requested in the original submissions and the original submissions themselves, are available for inspection at the following locations when these facilities are open to the public:
- The Customer Service Centre, Palmerston North City Council, Civic Administration Building, The Square, Palmerston North;
- The Palmerston North Central Library, The Square, Palmerston North;
- Community Libraries: Roslyn, Awapuni, Te Pātikitiki, Ashhurst, the Mobile Library, and Linton Camp Community Library.
The Palmerston North City Council is now calling for further submissions in support of, or in opposition to, the submissions lodged to Proposed Plan Change Proposed Plan Change E: Roxburgh Residential Area. Under clause 8 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991, the following parties may make a further submission either supporting or opposing submissions made on this plan change:
- any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest;
- any person who has an interest in the proposed plan change that is greater than that of the general public; and
- the Palmerston North City Council itself.
Further submissions must be in writing in the form prescribed (Form 6) in the Resource Management (Forms) Regulations 2003 or similar, including submissions via email. Further submissions lodged by way of e-mail do not require a signature.
Further submission forms are available online, at the above offices or can be downloaded from the consultation web page.
The closing date for making further submissions is 4pm, 19 December 2024.
Further submissions to the plan change must be lodged to the Council by one of the following options:
Posted to
‘Proposed Plan Change E: Roxburgh Residential Area ’
The Governance Team
Palmerston North City Council
Private Bag 11034, Palmerston North 4442
Delivered to
Governance Manager
Customer Service Centre, 32 The Square
Palmerston North City Council
Palmerston North
Once the closing date for lodging further submissions has passed, the Council will convene hearings to consider submissions and further submissions that have been lodged and issue decisions on the matters raised. Anyone who has made a submission or further submission and who has indicated that they wish to be heard will have the right to attend the hearings and present their submission. On receiving notice of a decision on their submission, any person who disagrees with or is dissatisfied with the decisions made may refer the decision to the Environment Court for further consideration.
Any person making a further submission to Proposed Plan Change E: Roxburgh Residential Area must serve a copy of their further submission on the person who made the original submission within five working days of lodging their further submission with the Council.