No longer on display. Expired on
30 April 2024, 12:00 AM
Palmerston North City Council invites feedback on proposed updates to fees and charges for trade waste, planning and miscellaneous services.
Council reviews fees and charges every year to ensure there is sufficient revenue to cover increases in operational costs and to satisfy the requirements of Council’s Revenue and Financing Policy. In some cases, there are specific bylaws which also need to be satisfied.
We propose the new fees and charges will take effect from 1 July 2024.
The changes to the various volume-based charges for trade waste reflect the trade waste volumes and costs for the last 2 years and are based on formulae contained in the Palmerston North Waste Bylaw. These charges are proposed to increase by 15%. Sampling and analysis charges for compliance monitoring are proposed to increase by 7% to cover increasing costs.
Fees and charges for planning and miscellaneous services are proposed to increase by approximately 7% to cover increasing costs. No change is proposed to any deposits that will be payable.
More information including the proposals and the schedules of proposed fees and charges can be inspected and/or obtained as follows:
Submissions are invited and must be received by the Council during the submission period which opens on Monday 25 March and closes at 5pm on Tuesday 30 April 2024. Submissions must be in writing.
Post: Democracy & Governance Manager, Palmerston North City Council, Private Bag 11-034, Palmerston North 4442
Submissions should include the name and address of the person making the submission, including a daytime telephone number, and also advise if they wish to speak about their submission to a meeting of elected members.