Public consultation on proposed amendments to Traffic & Parking Bylaw

No longer on display. Expired on 21 November 2022, 05:00 PM

The Palmerston North City Council is calling for submissions on its proposed amendments to the Traffic and Parking Bylaw (Light Motor Vehicle Prohibitions).

The intent of the proposed amendments is to prevent the congregation of light motor vehicles for the purpose of street racing. The proposed amendments will promote road safety, protect the environment from damage, prevent nuisance activities associated with the gathering of street racers, and enable the New Zealand Police to issue infringement notices to persons operating light motor vehicles in contravention of the bylaw.   

The proposed amendments will:

  • Enable the Council by resolution to restrict light motor vehicles (vehicles weighing less than 3,500kg such as most cars, utes, and vans) from being operated on specified roads in the city.
  • Establish the times these restrictions apply be between 10pm and 4am, every day of the week unless otherwise stated.
  • Include exceptions to the proposed restrictions, being those who own or reside at an address with a frontage on an identified road or their visitors, various trade vehicles, or those who otherwise have legitimate reason to be operating their light motor vehicle on the road.
  • Instruct Council to install signage detailing the restrictions to users of the roads.   

For more information please read the Statement of Proposal which includes the proposed amendments in full. The Statement of Proposal is available on the Council website, and printed copies can be found at the Customer Service Centre (Civic Administration Building, The Square) and all Council libraries. If you would like a copy of the Statement of Proposal sent to you, you can call 06 356 8199 for this to be arranged.

You can make a submission until 21 November 2022. This can be done using the online form at or simply email your submission to If you would prefer to make a written submission, there is a form available at the Customer Service Centre or at our libraries. You can also call 06 356 8199 and have your submission recorded for you. Written submissions can be hand delivered to the Customer Service Centre or mailed to: Traffic and Parking Bylaw Amendment Submission, Democracy and Governance Team, Palmerston North City Council, Private Bag 11034, Palmerston North 4442

The Council will consider all the submissions it receives. Please make sure that your submission includes your name and address, including a daytime phone number or your email address. Please also state if you want to make an oral submission as well. The Council is planning to hear oral submissions in February or March 2023. We will write to you after the submission period has closed with more information about the hearings.

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