Proposed change in reserve classification: Panako Park

No longer on display. Expired on 14 July 2023, 04:00 PM

Palmerston North City Council, under Section 24 of the Reserves Act 1977, proposes to reclassify Panako Park from Recreation to Local Purpose – Community.

Panako Park is located in Panako Place, Awapuni, Lot 1 and Lot 2 DP 29836 contained in Certificate of Title WN9B/622.

The reason for the proposed change is to enable a wider variety of community uses of the land and the hall the located on it. The current owner of the hall, Girl Guiding NZ, wishes to sell the hall and end its lease.

More information can be found on Council’s website at

Submissions are open until 4pm Friday 14 July 2023

If you’re interested in making a submission in opposition or support, please do so in writing and let us know if you wish to appear before and be heard by a Council committee in support of your submission.

Fill in our online form

Alternatively, write to: 

Palmerston North City Council
Attn: Democracy and Governance Manager
Private Bag 11034
Palmerston North

Or email: 

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