Proposed lease at Ongley Park, Park Road

No longer on display. Expired on 24 May 2024, 11:59 PM

Palmerston North City Council is calling for submissions in support of or against leasing land and building to Manawatū Cricket Incorporated.

We intend to grant a lease under the Reserves Act 1977 and our Support and Funding Policy 2022 to Manawatū Cricket Incorporated. The lease will be for Council land and building at Ongley Gym located at Ongley Park, Park Road, so they can continue to provide recreational activities to the community.

As per the Reserves Act 1977 and our Support and Funding Policy, we’re wanting to hear from our community.

Submissions or objections open until Friday 24 May 2024

If you are interested in making a submission, please do so in writing and let us know if you wish to speak to a Council Committee in support of your submission. Please send your submission by Friday 24 May to:

Palmerston North City Council
Attn: Democracy and Governance Manager
Private Bag 11034

Or email

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