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08 November 2024, 12:00 AM
Palmerston North City Council is calling for submissions on our draft Health Promotion Policy (Healthy Beverages, Smokefree and Vapefree, and Sun Protection) 2024.
The proposed policy would replace three existing policies: the Healthy Beverage Policy, the Auahi Kore Smokefree and Vapefree Outdoor Areas Policy and the Sun Protection Policy.
The draft policy includes several changes. These include:
- Combining the individual healthy beverages, smokefree and vapefree and sun protection policies into one policy titled the Health Promotion Policy (Healthy Beverages, Smokefree and Vapefree, and Sun Protection) 2024.
- Including events in the policy defined as ‘council-delivered community events’, which are those directly delivered by Council.
- A requirement for smokefree and vapefree signage to be in te reo Māori and English.
- A requirement for sunblock stations to be available at council-delivered community events between the daylight saving months of September to April.
- Extending the list of Council facilities where sugar-sweetened beverages cannot be sold. This is to reflect current practices by facilities that have already removed these from their supply stock.
- An update to the structure of the policy including the strategic content, purpose, objectives, and principles.
- Expanding the mandate of the current smoke-free and vape-free reference group to become the Health Promotion Reference group.
- The requirement to raise public awareness of the policy.
- The requirement to advocate to the government on matters to achieve the objectives of the policy.
For more information or to make an online submission, go to
Consultation closes 4pm Friday 8 November 2024
Please make sure that your submission includes your name and address, including a daytime phone number or your email address. Please also state if you want to make an oral submission as well. The Council is planning to hear oral submissions in December 2024. We’ll write to you after the submission period has closed with information on the hearings.
Emailed submissions can be sent to (subject: Draft Health Promotion Policy 2024).
Printed copies of the consultation document and submission form are also available at our Customer Service Centre at 32 Te Marae o Hine The Square or at any of our libraries.
Please call us on 06 356 8199 to have a copy sent to you, or to have your submission recorded for you.
Written submissions can be delivered to our Customer Service Centre or mailed to:
Governance Team
Palmerston North City Council
Private Bag 11034
Palmerston North 4442