Updated rating valuations for Palmerston North

On Display Indefinitely

Palmerston North City Council has updated property values as of 1 September 2024.

These values are set by Quotable Value (QV), our valuation provider, and new valuation notices will be sent out to property owners and ratepayers this month.

You can view the updated property values:

In person

At Palmerston North City Council, Civic Administration Building, Te Marae o Hine - The Square, Palmerston North, during regular office hours. 

Objection to your valuation

If you disagree with your property’s new valuation, you have the right to object. Objections can be made online or by mail, no later than 3 February 2025.

Object to rating valuation

To object by mail, pick up a form from Palmerston North City Council or QV, and send it to:

Quotable Value Ltd – Business Support
Private Bag 39 818
Wellington Mail Centre
Lower Hutt 5045

For more information on understanding your property’s rating value, visit the Rating Valuation page on QV, or our rates and rating values page.

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