Instant resource consent

You may be able to apply for a fast-tracked instant resource consent in the following circumstances.

  • if you're building close to the boundary of land owned by Council or the Crown (like a reserve or school)
  • if you're building two dwellings on the same site, within 3m of each other
  • if you're building a minor dwelling where your building is too close to your neighbour, but complies with all other District Plan rules

Before you apply, you need to get written approval from the landowner of the property you are proposing to go closer to. For example, Council or the Department of Conservation.

If you're not sure who the landowner is, contact a duty planner on 06 356 8199 or visit our Customer Service Centre on the Square. It's always good to bring as much information as you can about the site you're talking about, and details about what you are proposing to do.

How to apply

Fill out the affected persons approval form and submit it with a copy of the site plan, signed by the person giving approval. You also need to check that there are no other non-compliances with the District Plan. You can check the District Plan yourself, or talk to a duty planner.

Make sure you give the affected party accurate information and site plans so they know what they are approving. For example, clearly showing the dimensions of the structure you are proposing and the distance between it and the shared boundary.

It's a good idea to speak to one of our duty planning officers before you lodge your application, to ensure you have everything you need. They can answer any questions you have about your application. Or, you can seek advice from a private planning consultant.

Affected persons approval form(PDF, 113KB)