Resource consent pre-application sessions

Pre-application sessions are a way for you to meet with our team before lodging your consents to ensure you’re supplying all the info we need to ensure the process can occur as quickly as possible.  

This process is not necessarily needed for small scale projects like one-off house builds, but rather larger scale projects involving several homes or buildings or those that may have unique heritage, build, traffic or sustainability measures as part of their application.  

How it works  

To begin, fill out our online form and submit your proposal plans.

Book your pre-application guidance meeting

Your application will then be logged into our database.  

When we receive it, a principal planner will view your application and determine your proposal based on the size, complexity and the type of feedback you want on your proposal.  

A planner and principal planner will then have a meeting to discuss if there are any issues with the proposal or if any infrastructure information is needed.  

The planner will then carry out a District Plan assessment of the proposal and put together a document detailing anything that will trigger a resource consent, if you'll need to pay a development contribution, if you need any expert reports, or if there are any planning or infrastructure issues (such as servicing availability, minimum floor levels and roading compliance). 

We’ll then contact you to arrange a meeting with the planner and yourself and your agent to go through any issues that may have been found with your proposal, or what further information may be needed. 

After this meeting, the planner will then finalise the document and send it to you by email. It’s then up to you how you wish to proceed with the application.  


To sustain this service we will invoice you a flat fee of $1,000 at the time you apply. If complex infrastructure or planning matters arise that require significant additional time to assess, these matters will be identified and discussed with you, as additional charges may be required. 

A planning example of this is where an external urban designer or Council urban designer is being asked to provide an assessment on a detailed design. 

An infrastructure example of this where additional modelling or investigation is required to work out whether the proposal can be serviced. 

Please note, if external experts (eg, acoustic, urban design, geotechnical) are required to provide feedback on any of the above proposals, their costs will be passed on to the customer in addition to the flat fee. The standard practice is that the planner will obtain a quote from the external expert to be agreed upon by the customer before any work is undertaken.