Ian Matheson city archives
Interested in finding out about Palmerston North and its people? Start exploring our archives today.
The Ian Matheson city archives provide a record of our city through the years. They house Council records as well as those donated by local businesses and families.
You can search the archives online or at the Central Library.

Our heritage team also look after the Manawatū Heritage website. It's is an online collection of photos and other archives that help to tell the story of our local history. It also enables you to add your own photos and stories to our city archives.
Search our archives and explore our city heritage
Heritage services and resources
Manawatū Heritage
Archives Central
Ways to contact the heritage team
Visit the second floor of the Central Library during opening hours
Email: heritage@pncc.govt.nz
Phone: 06 351 4100 and ask to speak to the heritage team.