About parking infringements and fees

Our parking officers don't only monitor parking infringements. To help keep our roads safer for everyone, we also issue infringement notices for obvious breaches of the Land Transport Act, like bald tyres, overdue warrants and expired registration. Keep reading for more about why we issue parking tickets, and what it will cost you.

Our parking officers monitor metered car parks from 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday and 11am to 3pm Saturdays.

They also monitor for illegal parking and breaches of the Land Transport Act, from 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday and Tuesday and 8.30am to 9pm Wednesday to Saturday.

Find out more about what we can infringe

Reasons we issue parking tickets

We can issue a parking ticket if:

  • you don't pay for your parking
  • you overstay the time limit
  • you park unsafely – for example, on broken yellow lines or on a pedestrian crossing
  • your vehicle's rego or warrant of fitness has expired
  • you're not displaying a current licence label on your windscreen
  • you park in a mobility park without a valid permit
  • you park in a loading zone when not loading or unloading
  • you park a car or truck in a motorcycle-only park, taxi stand or bus-stop, or park within 6m of a bus-stop sign.

What it will cost you

Parking without paying or exceeding the time limit

The parking ticket fee depends on how long you parked without paying, or how much extra time you were parked in a metered or time-restricted space.

Time unpaid or overstayed Fee 
Up to 30 minutes $12
30 minutes to 1 hour $15
1 to 2 hours $21
2 to 4 hours $30
4 to 6 hours $42
More than 6 hours $57

Parking unsafely

If you park on the road in a way that's unsafe for pedestrians or other vehicles, you will receive a $60 fee.

This includes parking:

  • on or within six metres of an intersection
  • on or too close to a pedestrian crossing
  • on a broken yellow line
  • alongside a car that is parked on the side of the road (double parking)
  • inconsiderately
  • on a clearway
  • in an active bus lane or cycle lane
  • in a marked bus stop.

Parking in a mobility park without a valid permit

Being illegally parked in an area reserved for disabled people is an offence that will incur a $150 fee.

Other parking infringements

Most other parking infringements incur a $40 fee. This includes parking on footpaths, over a vehicle entrance or over a fire hydrant.

Bald or damaged tyres

Did you know that bald tyres are one of the leading causes of accidents?

We want to help prevent accidents, so our parking wardens issue infringement notices for tyres that are obviously smooth, have tyre cords showing, or that have no obvious tread.

We don’t check every tyre or car – but if we see something obvious, we'll issue an infringement notice.

Bald or damaged tyres with irrefutable photographic evidence will incur a $150 fee.

Failing to display a current licence label

You must display a current licence label on your windscreen. Failing to do so can incur a $200 fine.

We will review your infringement if you can supply a photo within 14 days showing the correct label on your windscreen.

Overdue WoF and registration

If your vehicle doesn't have a current warrant of fitness or if its registration has expired, then there's no proof the vehicle is safe.

We understand people can forget to register their vehicle or book their WoF before the due date, so we give you a grace period to make that moment of forgetfulness less painful. Here's how it works:

  • If it’s not longer than 7 days overdue, you’ll receive a warning notice.
  • If it’s between 7 days and 1 month overdue, you’ll get an infringement notice, but you have 14 days to become compliant. If you let us know, we'll review your infringement notice.
  • If it’s overdue by more than 1 month, you’ve had plenty of time to sort things out, so we'll issue an infringement notice. This can’t be reversed.

Each of these infringements will incur a $200 fee.

Time WoF or rego is overdue Fee
Less than 7 days  Nil
More than 7 days and less than 1 month $200 – we'll review this if you can prove your vehicle complies
Overdue 1 month or more $200 – no second chance

Your parking ticket explained

An explanation of what the different parts of a parking ticket mean.