Palmy Collections A guide to our rubbish and recycling collection services. Plus our handy rubbish days finder.
Palmy recycling Find out about the different types of recycling services we provide at our facilities here in Palmy.
Rubbish and recycling facilities Addresses and opening hours for recycling centres and refuse transfer stations in Palmerston North.
What goes where? Palmy's rubbish and recycling guide Got an item to dispose of? Our rubbish and recycling guide will help you put it in its place.
Learn about recycling Want to learn more about recycling? We've got heaps of free recycling resources for your home, school or business. Check them out here.
Report illegal rubbish dumping Let's keep Palmy litter free – let us know if you see rubbish that's been illegally dumped.
Reducing waste at events Whether you're going to an event or hosting one, you can do your bit to reduce waste.
Community action Want to do more? From cleaning up a park to setting up a community garden, we've got you covered.
Facts and figures Looking for the hard facts about waste minimisation and resource recovery? You've come to the right place.