Rubbish and recycling facilities

Find your nearest recycling centre or transfer station and check their opening hours.

Recycle these items free at all Council facilities

Please only drop off your recycling during opening hours. We don't want it blowing around. All plastic, metal and glass needs to be thoroughly washed in hot water.

Ferguson Street recycling centre

Bring your recycling and e-waste here, including batteries from handheld devices and lead-acid batteries (mostly from cars and some power tools). This facility also accepts Tetra Pak and other liquid paperboard packaging, household motor oil and cooking oil, household polystyrene package, and children's car seats ($5 each). You can buy bags of compost here, too.

545-573 Ferguson Street

Standard hours:

  • Monday to Friday 7.30am to 4.30pm
  • Saturday 8am to 4.30pm
  • Sunday and public holidays 10am to 3pm

Payment: Cash, Eftpos or Paywave

Visit the Rubbish and recycling fees and charges page for more details.

Awapuni resource recovery park

Bring your recycling and green waste here, and buy compost and mulch. Tyre recycling is available. We accept untreated wood. The fee is $45/T.

General waste not accepted. 

Address: Tip Road, Palmerston North

Standard hours:

  • Monday to Saturday 7.30am to 4.30pm
  • Sundays and public holidays 12pm to 4pm

Payment: Cash, Eftpos or Paywave

Visit the Rubbish and recycling fees and charges page for more details.

Ashhurst transfer station

Bring your recycling, green waste and general rubbish here. 

Address: Mulgrave Street

Standard hours:

  • Tuesday – 1pm to 3pm
  • Saturday – 10am to 4pm
  • Closed Good Friday and Christmas Day

Payment: Cash, Eftpos or Paywave

Visit the Rubbish and recycling fees and charges page for more details.

Enviro NZ transfer station (rubbish only)

Palmerston North has one refuse transfer station for general rubbish, which is privately owned and operated by Enviro NZ. There is a fee to use this service, however rubbish in Palmerston North City Council rubbish bags will be accepted for free.

31 Matthews Ave

For hours and pricing, please see the Enviro NZ website.

No fly-tipping

Never dump rubbish at our drop off points. We have CCTV cameras in place, and you will risk a $400 illegal dumping fine. Take your rubbish to the Enviro NZ Transfer Station instead.