White or cloudy tap water

Image shows a glass full of cloudy water by the sink

Find out about why you might see cloudy water running from your taps, and how you can solve it.

If you've ever noticed a cloudy or white appearance in your tap water, don't be alarmed. This is common in many water supply networks and caused by tiny air bubbles in the water.

These bubbles form due to fluctuating pressures and flow rates in the pipes below the ground. When water is under high pressure in these pipes, air dissolves into it. Once you open the tap, the pressure drops, and the air comes out by appearing as tiny bubbles. Within a minute or two, these bubbles are released and your water clears up.

The cloudy appearance is not due to any additional chemicals in the water supply.

We only add chlorine and fluoride as required by national regulations and the Ministry of Health. We constantly monitor these levels to ensure the best possible safe drinking water for our everyone in our community.

Water supply routes and flow rates change constantly due to varying demands for water in different areas.

Additionally, routine and reactive maintenance, such as shutting valves or pipelines, can alter the flow of water through the pipes, leading to temporary changes in water appearance. That’s why your water may appear clear most of the time and only occasionally appear cloudy.