KiwiRail regional freight hub

The land to construct and operate the freight hub was designated in June 2023.

Photo shows huge concrete area with tracks, trains, trucks and sheds, surrounded by green space and trees.

KiwiRail is proposing to develop a new intermodal rail and freight hub near Bunnythorpe.

In April 2021 KiwiRail lodged a Notice of Requirement to designate land for constructing and operating the freight hub.

Submissions were invited and the public hearing, overseen by independent commissioners, finished on October 15, 2021.

The designation became operative on 13 June 2023. Read more in the following parts of the District Plan:

Section 24: Designations(PDF, 4MB)

Volume 2 Section D: KiwiRail freight hub designation conditions(PDF, 554KB)

KiwiRail's decision on Council's recommendation

We received KiwiRail's decision on 11 April 2022 and notified all submitters, directly affected parties, landowners and occupiers.

Four appeals were lodged with the Environment Court.

Kiwirail Freight Hub Decision 11 April 2022(PDF, 893KB)

Commissioners' recommendation

Commissioners' report on KiwiRail's Notice of Requirement for freight hub, 28 Feb 2022 [pages 1 to 343](PDF, 16MB)

Commissioners' report on KiwiRail's Notice of Requirement for freight hub, 28 Feb 2022 [pages 344 to 374](PDF, 8MB)

Commissioners' report on KiwiRail's Notice of Requirement for freight hub, 28 Feb 2022 [pages 375 to 394](PDF, 4MB)

Commissioners' report on KiwiRail's Notice of Requirement for freight hub, 28 Feb 2022 [pages 395 to end](PDF, 11MB)

Project info

If you have any questions about the project, please email the KiwiRail project team at

If you have any questions about the process to designate the land, please contact Keegan Aplin-Thane, Principal Planner at


Notice of Requirement and supporting information

You can access the notice and supporting information below, or view hard copies at the following locations: Ashhurst Library, Bunnythorpe School, Feilding Library, Palmerston North Central Library, and the Palmerston North City Council customer service centre.

Volume one: Notice of requirement form and accompanying plans

Volume two: Assessment of environmental effects and appendices

Appendix F: Multi-criteria analysis report and supporting documents

Volume three: Technical assessment reports and appendices


Further information: S92 requests and responses

First request and response

Council officers reviewed the Notice of Requirement and identified a number of areas where more information is needed to understand the effects of the proposal. We issued a further information request to KiwiRail on 14 December 2020, which you can read here.

KiwiRail provided a response on 15 February 2021.

S92 letter: KiwiRail response(PDF, 120KB)

Appendix A: S92 Response Table(PDF, 706KB)

Appendix B: Updated Notice of Requirement conditions (tracked changes)(PDF, 240KB) 

Appendix C: Notice of Requirement conditions (updated S92)(PDF, 293KB)

Attachment 1 S92 Response: Geotech(PDF, 116KB)

Attachment 2A S92 Response: Ecology(PDF, 475KB)

Attachment 2B Updated Technical Assessment: Ecology (tracked changes)(PDF, 982KB)

Attachment 3 S92 Response: Design, Construction and Operations(PDF, 1MB)

Attachment 4A S92 Response: Lighting(PDF, 749KB)

Attachment 4B: Updated Lighting Report (tracked changes)(PDF, 9MB)

Attachment 5 S92 Response: Contaminated Land(PDF, 9MB)

Attachment 6 S92 Response: Stormwater(PDF, 217KB)

Attachment 7 S92 Response: Noise and Vibration(PDF, 7MB)

Attachment 8A S92 Response: Economic(PDF, 5MB)

Attachment 8B S92 Response: Economics(PDF, 6MB)

Attachment 9 S92 Response: Transport(PDF, 13MB)

Attachment 10 Appendix PN Freight Hub: Graphic Sections(PDF, 40MB)

Attachment 10 Appendix PN Freight Hub: Landscape Plan(PDF, 28MB)

Attachment 10 PN Freight Hub: Landscape Plan (low res)(PDF, 2MB)

Attachment 10 PN Freight Hub: Graphic Sections (low res)(PDF, 2MB)

Attachment 10 S92 Response: Landscape and Visual (plus spatial plan)(PDF, 1MB)

Attachment 11 S92 Response: Planning(PDF, 3MB)

Attachment 12 S92 Response: Social Impact(PDF, 6MB)

Attachment 13 S92 Q 187 Response: Updated Appendix 2 Schedule(PDF, 316KB)

Attachment 14 S92 Q 188 Response: Updated Rail Yard Concept Plan(PDF, 2MB)

These documents weren't submitted with the s92 response, but are referred to:

Second request and response

We issued a second request for further information on 28 April 2021:

Third request and response

We issued a third request for further information on 7 May 2021:



We received 98 submissions in total.

Further information can be requested by contacting the Governance Team on or phone 06 356 8199.