Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), is used in particular areas to monitor passenger and traffic movements, secure facilities such as libraries and recreation centres, and monitor public places in order to help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour, and to promote community safety.
Signage indicates where CCTV equipment is operating. CCTV footage will only be viewed by authorised people in accordance with the purpose noted above, or when checking that the system is operational. No attempt will be made to identify individuals from CCTV footage except in cases of reported or suspected incidents requiring investigation.
Body-worn cameras
Cameras are worn by our parking wardens and animal management officers as a deterrent to anti-social behaviour towards them and to provide a clear record of events if an altercation occurs. Staff will start recording when there is an imminent health and safety risk.
Body-worn cameras are always ‘on’, but not always recording. Cameras use a ‘Pre-record’ mode. Pre-record means that although video is being captured, it is not being stored. The only time this video is stored is if a staff member activates a recording. The last 30 seconds of video is clipped to the recording to add context to the video (e.g. how a situation unfolded prior to the staff member pressing record).
Staff are not required to advise that the body-worn camera is recording or seek consent when in a public place. Officers are issued a “Body-worn Camera Equipped” disclosure tag to wear when operating a body-worn camera.
Body-worn camera footage can be used as evidential material for any incidents. The footage is securely stored on Council systems, and only a limited number of authorised staff within council can access the footage.
Live streaming of Council meetings
In the interests of making our decision-making process transparent and accessible, most public Council meetings are broadcast live online and then made available on our website. You will know which meetings are being filmed as there will be a sign clearly stating this before you enter the meeting room. Most of the filming will cover elected members as they speak and debate at the meeting, however, the filming may also include shots of the public in the background and of anyone speaking at a public forum.